在这美丽的夜晚,我们欢聚一堂,共同见证了榆树国际成立30周年活动的成功落幕。同时,我们还有幸观赏了一场美轮美奂的艺术盛宴——“梵高星空之夜”主题艺术展及鸡尾酒品鉴会。感谢大家的光临与支持,让我们一同回顾这令人难忘的时刻。On this beautiful night, we gathered together to witness the successful end of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of ELI holdings International. At the same time, we were fortunate to enjoy a splendid artistic feast - "Van Gogh Starry Night" theme art exhibition and cocktail tasting. Thank you for your presence and support as we look back on this unforgettable moment.

James Bond 007 英国古董专座



During the climax of the celebration, violinist Yang Baozhi, pianist Wang Xiao, cellist Milan, Chairman of Yushu International, Mr. Wang Jian, and Mr. Zeng Li presented a captivating audiovisual performance that perfectly merged art and music, beautifully interpreting the romance and mystery of Van Gogh's Starry Night.



此次梵高星空之夜活动不仅是为庆祝纪念梵高入住伦敦故居150周年榆树国际30周年AVG空间5周年的独特方式,更是表达了大家对艺术文化和社会责任的关注和承若。我们会继续不忘初心,搭建艺术文化和经济发展的平台,去创造更多的价值。 同时我们衷心感谢所有参与本次活动的嘉宾、感谢联合主办方拓高乐、感谢赞助方1919。也希望大家继续支持我们的慈善公益C.I.C.
This event not only serves as a unique way to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Van Gogh's residence in London and ELI holdings's 30th anniversary, and AspiringVan Gogh's 5th anniversary, but also reflects our commitment and concern for art, culture, and social responsibility. We will continue to stay true to our original intentions and build platforms for art, culture, and economic development to create even more value.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the guests who participated in this event, co-organizer Tokorole, and sponsor 1919. We also hope that you will continue to support our charity C.I.C.