
「AVG活动」 对话与放映 李海南: 城市漂移


乔治·巴塔耶(Georges Bataille)用 "se désinsérer "来表示 “将自己从时间的网络中解脱出来,从日常生活的束缚和希望中脱离出来,从习惯的世界中抽离出来”。因此,了解这种转变是如何发生的,审视一切有可能促成这种转变的因素,以及最后扪心自问:如果要将一次行走描述为一件艺术作品,它将留下怎样的必要的痕迹?

The pedestrian is a walker indifferent to his environment, only a proven disaster can hold his attention; the artist, on the contrary, is a walker on the lookout, his gaze on permanent alert: he deciphers mysteries in the city that the pedestrian does not notice. Habit prevents us from seeing and feeling. To walk as an artist is to know how to create a change of scenery and, thanks to this, to regain possession of ourselves by recomposing the world around us. For the walker, it is about getting rid of everyday life without surprises in order to seek out the unexpected, the uncertain, the intense.Georges BATAILLE used the expression"se désinsérer " to mean “To free oneself from the fabric of time, To detach oneself from the constraints and hopes of everyday life, To become absent from the world of habits”. It is therefore now a matter of understanding how such a transformation can be composed, of looking at everything that is likely to encourage its emergence, and finally of wondering what trace a step must leave to be qualified as a work?